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SCRA Fellows

SCRA seeks to recognize a variety of exceptional contributions that significantly advance the field of community research and action including, but not limited to, theory development, research, evaluation, teaching, intervention, policy development and implementation, advocacy, consultation, program development, administration and service. A SCRA Fellow is someone who provides evidence of “unusual and outstanding contributions or performance in community research and action.” Fellows show evidence of (a) sustained productivity in community research and action over a period of a minimum of five years; (b) distinctive contributions to knowledge and/or practice in community psychology that are recognized by others as excellent; and (c) impact beyond the immediate setting in which the Fellow works.

We encourage SCRA members from diverse backgrounds to apply and send the call to other candidates. We embrace the values of diversity, equity, and inclusiveness in our nomination and selection process and will be proactive in our outreach.

Call for Fellows is Open
Deadline for fellows was December 15th 2023.